Utah Trip Travel Journal Day 1

Note: These travel journals were written down in a notebook at the end of each day and are sort of stream of consciousness. I’ve done some minor editing, but they will be basically transcriptions of what was notable and/or on my mind at the end of each day. I think there’s value in that that’s worth the expense of proper writing.


Started morning in Salt Lake City. Pretty cool town and phenomenal setting. I was struck with how industrial the suburbs were. I don’t know what happens there, but potentially mining related. There was a ridge of mountains right behind [to the east of] the city that made for a great background. I will be back Saturday to do more in the city.

The morning destination was Antelope Island, which is in Great Salt Lake. The drive was about 75 minutes and that went fast. You take a causeway to the island and some reviews talked about the bugs being “apocalyptic,“ but thoughtcrimes htehre were some, it was not terrible. The lake is wild; it is so incredibly flat and still. Many areas that show as “lake“ a=on a map are dry ground because the lake varies so much. The lake level is apparently all controlled by evaporation. No outflow. A little bit of inflow goes a long way because it's so flat. The lake is only 33 ft. on average max depth.

Highlights of the island

  1. Wildlife-

    1. Some very cool Pronghorn sightings early in trip. Two crossed the road; another was grazing tall grass near the water. [see images]

    2. Lizards, brown and tan (or grey/tan) and about 6 inches long. Thick body. Scurried about on trails.

    3. Bison- very excited to see these. First was about 50 yds away, rolling, laying down, then sitting up [see images]. Best pictures of this one. Later, post ranch visit, saw two more, in various stages of walking towards shoreline. These two were more in the moment (binoc[ular]s) enjoyment

  2. Hikes

    1. One to top of Buffalo Point and others just around

Ranch was a little disappointing but I was sort of itching to get to Idaho in time.

From there, I headed north on I-15, though northern Utah and into Eastern/Southern Idaho. First time to Idaho, 2003 trip didn’t come to Idaho even though we went to “West Yellowstone.“ (In MT apparently)

The trip/drive was great but the only thing that can be put into words is that going 85 (in 80 mph zone) can be dicey as youre high up and can see your car taking off down a mountain. The last 75 miles or so was off interstate 15 and was stead o nUS 26 and 20, which were a 70+ miles/hour trip through Idaho ranch land, and interestingly, the Idaho national laboratory. Later research revealed that the IRC’s claim to fame is nuclear research.

The goal was Craters of the Moon Nat. Monument, which was a great choice. Crater is an area where 2-15,000 yrs ago laval flowed from several volcanoes and created a dark/black volcanic landscape. I got there at 4:30 but the area was open as long as you wanted. I stayed ‘til 6:30p. There was a lot of short hikes, which were made slightly harder bc of elevation, which was roughly 6,000 ft above sea level.

The wind was especially memorable. At the top of one volcanic hill it felt like 60 mph. The hike up there was intense, if only 5 minutes. Great views. The time was a mix of driving the scenic loop and short jaunts, the finale of which had a bunch of fallen lava tubes that created caves. No spelunking for me.

From there it was 75 minute drive to Idaho Falls, ID where I’m spending my night. The hotel is a “Tru by Hilton.“ Trendy is how i would describe it. [I have to insert here that despite never making any comment to the contrary or ever having anyone one else near me, this was the first time I was talked to as if I had people with me. “Theres a key in there for each of you,“ “you guys have a good day,“ etc. Maybe it had something to do with driving a three row SUV…"] Dinner at a bar called Bee’s Knees. I was adventurous and got a “Prairie Burger“ which apparently has Asparagus, Peppers, and mushrooms. Idaho Falls is bigger than expected (60K people) and has a large white Mormon temple.